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We help public sector bodies, councils, universities and trusts streamline their recruitment due diligence


Onboard with confidence

Our government-certified Right to Work checks means you can be confident you are hiring candidates that have the legal right to work in the UK while reducing the administrative burden on your staff.

How Credas supports the public sector

We provide in-house recruiters and HR professionals with the tools needed to reclaim the time spent compliantly onboarding new employees. Through our online platform, we configure can custom onboarding and candidate screening processes to your unique requirements.

Biometric Identity Verification

Cutting-edge biometric facial recognition technology delivering results in real time

Right to Work checks

Remotely verify candidates' legal right to work with our DIATF certified solution

Background screening

Check candidates for any adverse history such as disqualified directorships or financial sanctions

Bank account verification

Verifying bank account details to prevent money from getting into the wrong hands

eSign software

Send out eSign documents such as contracts of employment or representation

Custom Branding

Make our platform, your platform. Put your brand front and centre with our white-labelling solution

Configurable workflows

Easily configure custom workflows to make your candidate onboarding slick and straightforward

Dynamic data capture forms

Create your own data capture forms with our easy drag-and-drop builder


Why companies choose Credas’ onboarding software

  • Verify anytime, anywhere with the user-friendly Credas portal and mobile app
  • Certified against the government’s Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework
  • We are a G-cloud marketplace approved supplier
  • Get eSign, data capture forms and ID verification all in one platform
  • 2FA enabled login to keep your data safe
  • All data stored within the UK with the highest level of security
  • Simple, seamless API integration with your existing CRM or systems


Why you need to run Right-to-Work checks

Under UK legislation, employers are responsible for ensuring candidates have a legal right to work in the UK before they start work. While over the last few years, businesses have been able to use video conferencing to conduct right to work checks. Recent changes have recommended the use of certified Identity Service Providers to verify documents if they can’t see the original documents in person.

The penalties for failing to check a worker’s legal right to work correctly range from unlimited fines to disqualification and even imprisonment. The reputational damage of hiring illegal workers can have a lasting impact eroding public trust.

Our guide to Right to Work checks

How the public sector bodies use our smart data capture forms

Our drag-and-drop form builder and workflow engine enables organisations to easily design their own onboarding solution.

Using our data capture forms you can:

  • Collect and verify bank account details
  • Build health and safety questionnaires
  • Create uniform or IT equipment order forms
  • Request references and copies of certificates

Using our workflow engine, these can all be part of one smooth onboarding journey alongside our ID checks and eSign software. You can also export all information captured into a single PDF in just a few clicks.

Complete the form to arrange a quick demo of our platform or call us on 02920 102 555

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