Modern Slavery is a term used to covers slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking. All of these offences occur when one person deprives another person of their liberty, exploiting them for personal or commercial gain.
As a business owner, its common practice for you to undertake detailed due diligence of suppliers to ensure that they are complying with The Modern Slavery Act 2015
Inefficiencies in your checks can cause delays in the recruitment processes, financial loss and unnecessary risk to your business. Integrating Credas ID verification software will provide complete confidence that the labour used in your supply chain is compliant with the demands of legislation.
Credas’ award-winning facial recognition software allows your business to run ID checks in real-time and a matter of seconds, enabling you to verify and confirm that the ID matches the actual person – enabling you to comply with modern slavery act regulatory checks and recruit new employees with confidence.
Our document storage ensures your business creates a modern-day slavery audit trail that assures you are compliant with regulators, and that your employees’ strictly confidential information is safe and secure.