UK consumers in support of digital passport & government trust framework

UK consumers in support of digital passport & government trust framework

Our research has found that the UK public strongly supports government plans to create the UK Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework (DIATF), with 87% stating it was a good idea and 72% supporting verified digital IDs in order to improve safety and streamline the process.

What is the DIATF?

The digital identity & attributes trust framework is UK Government programmed that sets out standards for the creation of sharable digital IDs as alternative to physical identification documents such as passports or bank statements. As well as making life easier for the public, it will also provide a robust accreditation and certification process for organisations, allowing them to prove their adherence to the rules of the framework through a recognised government trustmark. 

In short, it will considerably reduce the often extensive and numerous requirements to prove your identity in a digital capacity, for example, when buying a house, while also providing the consumer with peace of mind when it comes to the use of their sensitive information. 

What is public opinion on digital passports?

Our survey of over 1,100 UK adults revealed that 84% of us worry about our safety when providing sensitive and personal information online. 

What’s more, almost a third (32%) say they’ve fallen foul of some form of online fraud, and just 34% of us are aware how many third-party companies hold information about us. 

The survey also revealed that the vast majority of the UK public do not feel their data is being handled correctly by businesses. While the implementation of GDPR laws aimed to improve data privacy and protect consumers, just 7% of the UK public say they trust that third party companies are compliant with respect to GDPR rules and regulations. 

At the same time, 80% also find it time consuming having to provide personal data to multiple third-parties when it comes to their digital activity.

No surprise then, that 87% think a government framework to help regulate this area of online life is a good idea, with 72% also backing the plans to have verified digital IDs in order to improve safety and streamline the process.

Getting ready for digital IDs

In the modern world, so much is done in a digital capacity and while it has reduced the time, effort and requirements of many tasks, it doesn’t come without its pitfalls. 

Being able to verify our identity is one area that has become vitally important for both consumer and service provider alike. For example, when we buy or sell a property, we will be required to verify our identity multiple times by a range of different stakeholders, whether it be the estate agent, solicitor and so on. Credas are one of the first companies to have been granted DIATF status by the government and will soon be releasing sharable digital IDs.

For these professional bodies it helps safeguard against criminal activity, which in the vast majority of cases starts with identity fraud. However, it can be a laborious, time consuming process for those providing this information, as well as those still manually verifying it. 

The government’s DIATF framework will modernise this process no end, providing verified digital IDs that both the consumer and service provider can utilise quickly and efficiently. 

Not only will it help streamline processes such as buying or selling a home, but the consumer can also rest assured that they aren’t opening themselves up to any level of threat when it comes to the provision of their personal information.

There has been various scandals over the misuse of personal data and despite tough financial penalties its still an area of concern. Businesses who choose to work with certified Identity Service Providers like Credas, can give their clients peace of mind knowing that their sensitive data will be handled securely.

Full survey results

Have you ever been the victim of an attempt of online fraud?

Yes – 32%
No – 68%

Do you worry about your safety when providing sensitive information online?

Yes – 84%
No – 16%

Are you aware of how many third party companies have access to your personal information?

Yes – 34%
No – 66%

Do you trust that all third party companies are compliant with respect to GDPR rules and regulations?

Yes – 7%
No – 93%

Do you find it time consuming having to provide personal data to multiple third party companies?

Yes – 80%
No – 20%

Do you think a government framework to control this area of online activity is a good idea?

Yes – 87%
No – 13%

Do you think having a verified government Digital ID, much like a passport, would be a good way to improve security and save time?

Yes – 72%
No – 28%


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