For those seeking to deepen their understanding of anti-money laundering (AML) and financial crime compliance, a wealth of high-quality online resources is available across various mediums.
From insightful podcasts and educational videos to in-depth articles and reports, these carefully curated selections cover a wide spectrum of AML-related topics. Here, we present a comprehensive list of top-tier AML resources that serve as an indispensable guide for anyone interested in financial crime compliance.
Online AML Resources & Guides
A guide to writing firm wide risk assessments by the SRA
This comprehensive guide will assist anyone looking to write or update their company risk assessment with practical advice and examples
AML for Estate Agents
Our very own guide to AML for estate agents a simple to follow interpretation of HMRC guidance designed for non-compliance within the real estate sector.
Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Guidance for the Accountancy Sector
This guide is intended for anyone who provides audit, accountancy, tax advisory, insolvency, or trust and company services in the UK was produced in conjunction with the different supervisory bodies for this sector .
LawTech Digital Identity adoption report
This report examines the benefits of adopting digital identity verification as part of the customer due diligence process for those involved in the Legal Sector.
JMLSG Guidance
The Joint Money Laundering Steering Group is a private body that represents a large number of UK trade associations and regularly produces extensive AML guidance based on industry feedback. Their guidance often bridges the gap between regulatory requirements and practical outcomes.
Money laundering and arts/antiques market
Despite Hollywood’s portrayal of it, the arts/antiques market isn’t the hotbed for illegal activity that you might think it is, though it does come with plenty of risks. In this guide, FATF identifies how auctions are used to launder illicit gains and what can be done to prevent it.
The Economic Crime Act: what does it mean for law firms?
If you’re not sure how the Economic Crime and Transparency Act will impact your law firm, then read this guide by the Law Society.
UK National Risk Assessment
Published by the UK Government, this document sets out the key money laundering and terrorist financing risks in the UK from cybercrimes to organised illegal immigration and analysis of key sectors.
Money laundering typologies
“In this guide produced by the Government of Jersey, you’ll find extensive explanations of the different activities that contribute to money laundering as well as common red flags to look out for.
Podcasts & Webinars
The Dark Money files
The Dark Money Files, a favorite of ours, hosts Graham Barrow and Ray Blake as they delve into the murky world of money laundering and how criminals attempt to hide their illicit funds.
The Washup
Our very own podcast aims to help SMEs understand their anti-money laundering obligations through straightforward explanations of key topics such as PEPs and Sanctions.
Sanctions School
In this podcast produced by UK Finance, you’ll learn all about sanctions, who imposes them, and why they are imposed with regular expert industry guests.
HMRC AML webinars
In this series of webinars, HMRC covers everything from record-keeping to risk assessments. With specific webinars for each of the different sectors that fall under their supervision, they are a great online resource.
AML Publications
SARS in action
Published each month by the National Crime Agency this online magazine dives into the practical outcomes of reported suspicious activity and current trends.
Illicit Edge
This newsletter and website covers the latest international financial crime news and regulatory action.
AML Regulations
The above AML resources are great at interpreting the regulations and putting them into practical advice but sometimes you just need to read the original legislation, so here they are:
The Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Amendment) Regulations 2019