Credas Launches to Improve Right to Work Onboarding

Credas uses real-time facial recognition technology to help businesses speed up and simplify the Right to Work onboarding process of identity and ID document verification.

The solution is focused on employee and client onboarding while enabling businesses to comply with Right to Work legislation easily.

We have developed a suite of products and services designed to cut the time and cost it takes to onboard staff by using real-time facial recognition.

The first of its kind in the UK, Credas enables recruiters to verify essential ID documents and match the photos on those documents with the actual person, in real-time, by using an app.

By texting or emailing a link to the Credas app, clients or employees can verify themselves anytime, anywhere, at a time that suits them.

Our technology can verify up to 4,000 types of ID document and could save recruiters up to 180 staff-hours, each month.

Credas will also help recruiters and businesses with the audit trail of compliance associated with Right to Work onboarding legislation as it will keep a record of the verification on its highly secure cloud-based solution.

The process takes the burden off the recruiter to keep the ID, as it’s stored automatically in our secure cloud environment.

As well as saving businesses time and money, it reduces the risk of a costly fine of up to £20,000 if you inadvertently employ an illegal worker, therefore minimising reputational risk.

The software contributes to back-office efficiencies and encourages lean improvement while being safer and reducing risk.

Using Credas will also give companies peace of mind ahead of the introduction of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May 2018, as Credas stores all sensitive data on its secure cloud-based platform.

Since its implementation in 2014, the Right to Work onboarding has increased costs and time spent employing someone for many companies.

Having to physically check that the photo ID matches the candidate can be difficult if you are recruiting from abroad, or from another part of the UK. Credas solves all of these problems in one handy app.

Our pioneering technology puts the UK’s most accurate verification tool at our clients’ fingertips, for a fraction of the cost of building this kind of application in-house.

Our technology is incredibly flexible, and we also offer integration options, to enable recruiters to hook up their CRM to our verification engine.

We believe that Credas’ technology is the best on the market.

No longer will recruiters have to wait for documents through the post or go looking for that lost email to verify staff. Cutting time wasted and costs spent, Credas does it all for you – immediately.


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