5-For-Friday – News Roundup – 31/08/18

Welcome, all again to – 5-For-Friday – your weekly, tech news roundup.

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1. Google and Mastercard in credit card data deal.

Reports suggest that Google has bought Mastercard credit card data in the US to help it track users’ offline spending in stores.

Neither companies have made the deal public, and MasterCard has denied suggestions that its data could be used to identify specific purchases – raising concerns with regards to privacy issues.

2. Japan is giving the world an extra pair of hands. 

Tech researchers in Japan have unveiled a robot that gives you an extra pair of hands.

The human-like robot backpack, named Fusion is fitted with a camera that allows someone operating the robot from a distance to see what the wearer sees in real-time.

The theory behind the tech is that it would allow two people in different locations to work together on a task.

3.  UK government unveil innovative partnerships with African countries.

The UK government has unveiled innovative partnerships with African countries to boost innovations in technology across the continent.

UK Prime Minister, Theresa May, lead a trip to Africa this week on her first visit to the continent in the driving seat.

According to May’s office, her central message of the visit is focused on a renewed partnership between the UK and Africa, as the UK seeks to maximise the opportunities available on a continent that is growing exponentially.

4. Tier 1 visas set to double to increase migration of tech-based talent.

Tier 1 visas in the UK are set to double, to increase migration of tech-based talent to the UK.

Theresa May revealed that officials were working out the practical details of the proposal to raise the current, annual total of 1,000 visas under the ‘exceptional talent’ route to 2,000 route.

The new immigration strategy forms of the government’s post-Brexit plan to ensure that the UK is still ‘open for business’.

5. Coca-Cola is to buy Costa Coffee from Whitbread, in a £3.9bn deal.

While this isn’t tech news. This is big news.

Coca-Cola is to buy Costa Coffee from Whitbread, in a deal worth £3.9bn.

An opinion piece, by Michael Rolph, CEO of Yoyo Wallet, reacts to Coca-Cola’s acquisition and explains why data-led loyalty programmes could help Coca-Cola enters the coffee market at a time when Costa has seen a reduction in footfall.

That’s all folks, until next week. Have a great weekend!


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