5-For-Friday – News Roundup – 09/11/18

Welcome, all again to – 5-For-Friday – your weekly, tech news roundup.

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1. Bank of England Staging Simulated Cyber Attacks.

The Bank of England is staging an exercise designed to test the resilience of the financial system, in the effort to prevent a major cyber-attack – linking with over 40 firms – such as the Treasury, the Financial Conduct Authority and UK Finance.

This is the latest in a series of simulated attacks hosted by the Bank of England to identify any weaknesses in the response of banks and other financial institutions to a major cyber-attack.

2. Facebook Delay Mandatory Political ID Checks for Political Advertisers.

Fading social media goliath Facebook has delayed its mandatory plans to make any person buying political adverts verify their identity.

They have stated that the delay was necessary because weaknesses were exposed by some people who were trying to “game” its ID system.

The ID system is compulsory for political advertisers and should have been in place by November 7th.

Facebook said it now hoped to finish work to strengthen the ID system in the next month.

3. Another Chinese Tech Giant Enters The UK.

There’s been a rise in Chinese tech firms setting up shop in the UK – such as Huawei, Honor and OnePlus.

The latest company are called Xiaomi – pronounced Shiao-mi – who make smartphones and other tech products, at affordable prices.

The firm also boasts the world’s largest Internet of Things (IoT) platform, which is big in China, where people have been using products including smart light bulbs, thermostats and air conditioners.

4. Technology Helping African Supply Chains Get A Fairer Deal.

An article from Eva-Maria Dimitriadis of C5 Accelerate – highlights how technology and online platforms are helping African smallholder farmers get a fairer deal for their produce by keeping them free from the taint of corruption.

C5 Accelerate annual Shield in the Cloud competition aims to find companies that are providing accessible technology to fight corruption, globally.

5. China Unveils World’s First AI News Anchor.

No words needed. Watch the video from The Guardian below.

Until next week. We hope you have a great weekend!


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